Author: Benedetta Lupo

    ITR International Tax Review: “Italy’s taxation of foreign companies: New rules and a recent judgment”

    by Avv. Prof. Stefano Loconte e Dott. Emanuele Tozzi

    Our Managing partner Stefano Loconte and our senior associate Emanuele Tozzi authored the article on International Tax review – Italy special focus, about the Italy’s taxation of foreign dividends.

    The article explains the key amendments to Italy’s taxation of dividends paid by foreign companies, which have come to the fore following the implementation of the EU’s Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive.

    It also illustrates the interpretation of double tax treaties according to a recent judgment of the Cassation Court.

    Italy Special Focus – Loconte & Partners

    art advisory
    Loconte&Partners announces the launch of the Art Advisory service

    “????????????? ??? ??? ?????????? ?? ????? ???????? ??????, ????? ??????? ?? ???????. ????’?? ?????????? ?? ??? ????” ~ Eli Broad

    We are pleased to announce the launch of our Art Advisory service completing our Wealth Management offer and aiming to assists collectors and professionals in the business in the acquisition, management, protection and planning of the value of artistic or collectible assets, as well as in the development of activities and philanthropic initiatives in the cultural sector .
    Despite the complex historical moment we look forward with new projects, confidence and enthusiasm.

    You will find us in the next days in several magazines and platforms for finance and art, but you can directly learn more by contacting us at: 

    art she says
    TEFAF Maastricht: 10 True Treasures Every Woman Would Like to Collect

    By Art Advisor Elisa Carollo

    Tefaf Maastricht: Despite yesterday earlier closure after one of the exhibitors was found positive to Coronavirus, you can still discover some of the best treasures our advisor Elisa Carollo spotted around Tefaf Maastricht 2029 and selected for the article on Art She Says during the preview days! 

    Here the Link of the article.

    tefaf 2020
    Loconte&Partners goes to TEFAF Maastricht 2020

    TEFAF MAASTRICHT is one of the major fair in thee world for top quality antiquities, decorative arts, jewelry . Our Art Advisory team attended the VIP preview.

    Our team can assist you in managing and planning your collection across categories, with the support of an international network in the art world.

    You can can find out more about selected treasures we spotted around by following our Instagram page : @loconteandpartners

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    ???????&???????? ?? ????? ?????????? ???? ? | ??? ?? ??? ??????? ???? ?? ??? ?????, ?????????? ??? ??? ??? ??????? ???? ???, ???????????, ?????????? ???? ??? ?????????. ??? ??? ???????? ???? ???????? ??? ??????? ????: ????’? ???? ???????? / Una delle fiere più importanti al mondo per arte, antichità, arti decorative e gioielli della massima qualità. Il nostro team advisory ha partecipato ai giorni di preview, ecco alcune foto! @tefaf ✨ . . ??Quest’anno la fiera è molto più diversificata e internazionale di sempre, con 280 espositori da 20 continenti diversi e fra le varie categorie. Parallelamente alle categorie più tradizionali come #oldmasters e #antichità che rappresentano circa metà della fiera, possiamo trovare anche veri masterpieces d’#artemoderna e #artecontemporanea, fotografia, #gioielli unici, #design e opere su carta. Quest’anno la fiera accoglie anche 25 nuovi espositori, come la prestigiosa galleria di design @carpentersworkshopgallery di New York, l’Italiano @massimodecarlogallery o per gli Old Masters la galleria di @nicolascortesgallery dalla Spagna. Il corona virus ha certamente avuto un certo impatto sulla fiera, ma l’arte e la bellezza non mancava e non si sono fermate. La fiera è da oggi aperta al pubblico fino al 15 Marzo. #dontmissit . . ??This year the fair it’s much more diversified and international than ever, with 280 exhibitors across all categories and from 20 countries. Alongside the traditional areas of Old Master paintings, antiques and classical antiquities that cover approximately half of the fair, you can also find #modernart and #contemporaryart, photography, #jewelry, 20th century #design and #worksonpaper. The coronavirus certainly affected the fair attendance, but #art and #beauty didn’t stop! The fair is now on until March 15 open to general public! #dontmissit . . #tefaf2020 #tefaf #tefafmaastricht #collectingart #collezionarearte #artadvisory #artadvisory #luxury #artgram #collectibles #contemporaryart #artbusiness.

    Un post condiviso da LOCONTE&PARTNERS (@loconteandpartners) in data:

    IFN Islamic Finance News
    Tax treatment of Islamic finance instruments: The Italian draft law.

    By Stefano Loconte

    Read the contribution of our Founder and Managing Partner Stefano Loconte, published in Islamic Finance news Volume 17 Issue 9 – 4th March 2020, about a draft law aiming to facilitate Islamic Investments in our country.

    “One of the most important steps that Italy has taken to open the doors to Islamic finance is represented by the draft law set out in 2017, the purpose of which is to regulate the tax treatment of some Islamic financial contracts, namely Murabahah, Ijarah and Istisnah. The bill was drawn up by the VI Finance Committee of the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian parliament, chaired by Maurizio Bernardo. Moreover, the working group was supported by tax experts coordinated by our founder and managing partner Stefano Loconte. Tax Treatment is one of the biggest obstacles to the full implementation of Islamic financial contracts and instruments in countries in which conventional finance principles are applied (eg Italy)”

    we wealth talents
    We Wealth Talents Club

    Our Founder and Managing Partner Stefano Loconte has been included in the talents club We Wealth, among the top 200 Wealth Managemen influencers. Find out more in his profile

    artlaw club
    THE TOPOROVSKY AFFAIR AND THE IMPORTANCE OF DUE DILIGENCE TO AVOID THE JAIL: a couple of collectors in Belgium arrested for lending allegedly fake artworks

    By ArtAdvisor Elisa Carollo on

    Our Art Advisor Elisa Carollo talks on the about the importance of due diligence, both on the buyer and dealers side, as shameful negligence can easily turn into criminal liability, and jail. Also in view of the recent ruling on the Toporovsky scandal and more strict AML regulations recently introduced, nobody in the art world can still blissfully unaware of the higher standards of due diligence required today to operate in the market. Read the article here or as a PDF below.

    IFN Islamic Finance News
    The impact of the Islamic finance wave in Italy.

    With the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the international magazine Islamic Finance News Stefano Loconte and Loconte & Partners were elected as representants for Italy. The contribution of the firm aims to show the significant impact of Islamic Finance and the related perspectives for the economic and social development of our country.

    “There are more than 1.4 million Muslims in Italy – almost 3% of the Italian population – with savings for US$6 billion approximately. Thanks to its strategic geographical position, Italy represents an invaluable link between European and Islamic countries. This helps explain the reason why lots of Muslims are interested in investing and moving here.. Just a few examples: the Abu Dhabi-based fund AABAR owns 5.04% of Unicredit…Understanding Islamic culture is a chance to elaborate on new financial instruments, which can increase the number of exchanges and investment between Italy and Islamic countries, and an occasion to face new perspectives”

    Loconte&Partners Goes to Art Geneve 2020

    Our Art advisory team yesterday was in Geneve to attend the 4° edition of The RESPONSIBLE ART MARKET (“RAM”) organised by the  Fondation pour le droit de l’Art. 

    Main themes: the authenticity of the artworks and the V European Directive against Money laundering. During the event they presented the “RAM’s Guidelines for Experts Authenticating Works of Fine Art” . You can find out more about these guidelines and read the full list at this link: 

    Then we had a tour around Art Geneve 2020, here few pictures from your Instagram channel. Don’t forget to follow us @loconteandpartners

    Visualizza questo post su Instagram

    LOCONTE & PARTNERS GOES TO ART GENEVE ?: alcune foto dal nostro team ieri a #geneve?? per partecipare all’annuale incontro The Responsabile Art Market (RAM) organizzato con la Foundation pour le droit de l’art! ——————————————————————————— Il nostro team advisory era ieri a #geneve per partecipare al 4^ edizione della conferenza The RESPONSIBLE ART MARKET (“RAM”). Temi caldi: la controversa questione dell’ìautenticità delle opere d’arte e la 5° Direttiva Europea anti Riciclaggio che impone nuovi obblighi anche a dealer e operatori del settore arte . Durante l’evento sono state presentate anche le “RAM’s Guidelines for Experts Authenticating Works of Fine Art” , una serie di linee guida per stabilire e salvaguardare autenticità delle opere d’arte promuovendo così una maggiore trasparenza e quindi credibilità del mercato – Potete scoprire tutte le guidelines a questo link : . . Abbiamo fatto poi un giro per #artgeneve , che ci ha sorpreso con la qualità piuttosto elevata della sua offerta. Ecco alcune foto! . . @artgeneve #artgeneve2020 #contemporaryart #artecontemporanea #artlaw #dirittodellarte #diritto #law #artmarket #artadvisory #collectibles #artfair #artecontemporanea #arte #wealthmanagement #wealth #ginevra #switzerland?? #swizerland.

    Un post condiviso da LOCONTE&PARTNERS (@loconteandpartners) in data:

    Instagram new profile @loconteandpartners

    LOCONTE&PARTNERS just created its new social media profile on Instagram. Follow our page to stay updated with the latest news! @loconteandpartners

    “A practical cross-border insight into private client work”

    by Stefano Loconte e Angela Cordasco

    Prof. Stefano Loconte and Angela Cordasco contributed to the Private Clients chapter of the International Comparative Legal Guide to Private Client 2020. The chapter analyzes the Italian juridical framework on the private clients’ area. Topics include tax and legal aspects aimed at an efficient wealth planning for resident and non-resident HNWI.

    International Comparative Legal Guide

    The use of trust in Italy – Legal 500 & In-House Lawyer

    By Loconte&Partners

    Loconte&Partners is proud to have been chosen to represent Italy for the Private Client 3rd Edition Country Comparative Guide of Legal500. Our Firm contributed to the Hot Topic chapter, explaining the development of the use of trust in Italy. The choice made by Legal500 confirms the placement of our law firm as a leader in the assistance to the HNWI.

    “The institute of trust is increasingly getting used in Italy in the recent years, despite some difficulties mostly related to the fact that, as commonly known, Italy does not have a proper regulation for trusts. Indeed, the institute of trust has been recognized in Italy through the ratification of the Hague Convention of July 1st 1985 (enforced with the Law n. 364/89 and came into force since January 1, 1992). The Convention pursued the aim of harmonizing the Private International law rules, related to trusts, in order to allow civil law countries to borrow the trust instrument from foreign jurisdictions whose legislation regulates the trust instrument properly. It is therefore possible to set up trusts in Italy, thought the lack of domestic civil law rules entails the need for the tool to be regulated by the law in force in one of the Countries in which it is specifically regulated by law. This circumstance, however, does not mean that the trust qualifies as a foreign subject, neither from a civil law point of view nor for tax purposes. A wide range of different uses of the trust instrument have been developed in Italy in spite of the harmonization with the Italian civil code jurisdiction. Family trusts are the first kind of trust used, above all trusts for disabled people and trusts set up for inheritance planning and for asset protection for family needs.”

    Read the Full Article on Legal500 & In-House Lawyer Hot Topic | Private Client (3rd edition) released in January 2020