Islamin Finance


    Special requirements to establish an Islamic bank in Italy

    By Stefano Loconte

    Our Managing Partner has analysed special requirements to establish an Islamic bank in Italy on this article  which was first published in Islamic Finance news Volume 17 Issue 30 dated the 29th July 2020

    “The possibility of opening an Islamic bank in Italy can be a reality but it requires respecting binding rules and specific procedures.

    In fact, institutions that could offer Shariah compliant financial products and services could collaborate with Islamic banks or branches of an Islamic bank established in another European or extra-EU country. In any case, each type of Islamic financial institution needs a Shariah board, or Shariah supervisory board (SSB), that sits at the top of the company’s governing structure”

    Read the full article here  online on IFN News 

    Otherwise you can download a PDF of the single page with the article, here as follow  (Download)