Loconte&Partners announces the launch of the Art Advisory service

    Benedetta Lupo
    art advisory

    “????????????? ??? ??? ?????????? ?? ????? ???????? ??????, ????? ??????? ?? ???????. ????’?? ?????????? ?? ??? ????” ~ Eli Broad

    We are pleased to announce the launch of our Art Advisory service completing our Wealth Management offer and aiming to assists collectors and professionals in the business in the acquisition, management, protection and planning of the value of artistic or collectible assets, as well as in the development of activities and philanthropic initiatives in the cultural sector .
    Despite the complex historical moment we look forward with new projects, confidence and enthusiasm.

    You will find us in the next days in several magazines and platforms for finance and art, but you can directly learn more by contacting us at: artadvisory@studioloconte.it