Author: Benedetta Lupo

    GGi Trust & Estate Planning Spring Newsletter

    The GGi Trust & Estate Planning Spring Newsletter is now online, with the editorial of our Managing Partner, Professor Stefano Loconte, as the Global Chairperson of the GGi Trust & Estate Practice Group.

    The GGi TEP Spring Newsletter offers a large number of contributions on specific topics written by GGi members from all over the world.

    → Read the complete issue here

    Italian companies should participate in Shariah compliant indices

    The massive presence of the Islamic community and the active operation of Islamic sovereign funds in Italy represent a good opportunity for Italian intermediaries and issuers to attract savings and capital.

    Also, Italian listed companies should consider obtaining access to Shariah compliant financial indices created by global indices, because this would be a good chance for their business. This is why public should be well informed about such opportunities and the aim for the nearest future is to encourage more Italian companies to take part in these Shariah compliant indices.

    Find the answers and considerations on these issues by our Managing Partner, Prof. Stefano Loconte, here


    Crucial for Islamic intermediaries to have access to Banca d’Italia payment systems

    Gross settlement systems represent a useful type of payment involving a huge amount of liquidity that requires a sophisticated level of efficiency and security so as to assure financial intermediaries that the liquidity circulates properly within the financial system.

    As those type of payment system are also useful for the transactions of Islamic finance intermediaries, it is of utmost importance to find a solution to guarantee their compliance level with Shariah principles.

    Find here the answers and considerations by our Managing partner, Prof. Stefano Loconte on IFN Volume 18 Issue 10 – dated the 10th March 2021.


    Crowdfunding and Islamic finance for the growth of the entrepreneurial ecosystem

    As commonly know, crowdfunding represents an important source of funding each year for a large number of projects that otherwise would never receive the funds to see the light of day, and especially during this difficult time, this trend is expected to significantly increase.

    Combining the principles of Islamic finance and crowdfunding, together with the development of technology, represents a unique chance to deeply contribute to the enhancement of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Italy and the promotion of social and economic development.

    Finds the answers and considerations on these issues by our Managing partner Stefano Loconte on IFN Volume 18 Issue 4 dated the 27th January 2021.

    Read and download the full article here

    Can social Islamic finance instruments help the economic growth in 2021?

    by Avv. Prof. Stefano Loconte – Our latest contribution on Islamic Finance News, Volume 17, Issue 50.

    “Pandemic consequences are real and they are expected to effect the global finance markets – even more during 2021”

    Read the full article here

    Rise in demand for modest fashion in Italy

    by Avv. Prof. Stefano Loconte  – Our latest contribution on IFN Volume 17, Issue 48, dated 2nd of December 2020.

    As Italy has the fourth-largest Muslim population in Europe and is also the main leader in the fashion industry, the interest in modest fashion has increased in the last few years, not only from Muslims but also from non-Muslim ‘fashionistas’. Market players in the Italian fashion industry have noticed the worldwide demand for modest clothing and have created specific fashion collections dedicated to Muslim women. No doubt, this represents a step forward in strengthening the connection between the Islamic world and Italy but it is also a deep understatement of the Islamic culture.

    Therefore, does it represent a step forward to the embrace of Islamic finance and Halal into Italian economic system?

    Download and read the full article as PDF: IslamicFinanceNews


    by Stefano Loconte

    As commonly known, the Shariah supervisory board has the crucial role of controlling and providing guidelines, advice and Fatwas to banks and institutions regarding Shariah compliant incomes and earnings.

    In most Islamic countries, the financial institutions are ‘highly recommended’ to establish an independent Shariah supervisory committee even if not explicitly legally required.

    Therefore, is it feasible in Italy to create in a joint stock company an internal board to supervise Shariah compliance?

    Finds the answers and considerations on these issues by our Managing partner Stefano Loconte on IFN Volume 17 Issue 43 dated the 28th October 2020.

    You can read it online at this link 

    artlaw club

    By Elisa Carollo

    The pandemic has not discouraged passionate buyers from participating in auctions or art fairs, even if everything has rapidly, and forcedly, moved primarily online. How does it effect the rights of the buyers, if at all?

    Does the law manage to…keep abreast with the times?

    Is the buyer at the hybrid auction as protected as at the online-only one?

    Read the new article by our Art Advisor  Elisa Carollo on

    Here the link to read the article online


    The GGI Trust&Estate Planning Autumn Newsletter is now online, with the editorial of our Managing Partner, Stefano Loconte, as the Global Chairperson of the GGI Trust&Estate Practice Group.

    Our Junior Associate Beatrice Molteni authored an article on the wealth planning for professional athletes, with a special focus on the tax incentives in Italy.

    The GGI TEP Autumn Newsletter offers numerous contributions on specific topics written by GGI members from all over the world.

    A great opportunity to share the latest updates and developments on the trust and estate planning sector!

    Read the the pages we curated in this issue in the following PDF (Download)

    The ‘Made in Italy’ brand with Halal certification

    By Stefano Loconte

    Everybody knows the worldwide relevance of Italy’s mark of quality as much as the importance and the prestige of Halal certification.

    In the common opinion, ‘Made in Italy’ means beautiful and well produced, and is recognized as a trademark itself.

    At the same time, the Halal market has gained recognition globally not only in Muslim countries but also in Muslim minority countries, including Italy. Furthermore, the category of ‘Halal’ is nowadays not only for foodstuff s and beverages but also for fi nance, insurance, cosmetics and medicines.

    This represents a unique opportunity for Italian companies and firms to expand their markets to Muslim communities in the Mediterranean area and the Middle East and strengthen their business. But all that glitters is not gold.

    The acceptability of Halal certification by an Italian company depends on many different factors, which we have analysed in this article,  first published in Islamic Finance news Volume 17 Issue 38 dated the 23rd September 2020.

    Download and read the full article as PDF at this link (Download)

    ITR World tax

    The 2021 edition of the World Tax directory – the ITR (International Tax Review)‘s guide to the world’s leading tax advisory practices – has ranked LOCONTE&PARTNERS in Tier 1 for Private Client in Italy. 

    The ITR – World Tax provides rankings and profiles of the most effective tax practitioners in the world, covering almost 90 jurisdictions.

    For further information on the ranking


    By Stefano Loconte, Angela Cordasco e Beatrice Molteni

    Stefano Loconte, Angela Cordasco and Beatrice Molteni from Loconte&Partners authored the Italian chapter of the very prestigious Chambers Private Wealth 2020 Guide. ⠀

    The contribution covers many interesting topics related to the Private Wealth area, such as the new attractive tax regimes, the trust regulation in Italy, estate law and family business planning.⠀

    Once again, Loconte&Partners wealth management team’s has been chosen for its expertise in assisting HNWI.⠀

    Read and  download the full issue here (Download)